Sunday 8 March 2015

Weekend Owl watch

Came downstairs at just gone 5:15 to make a cup of tea to spot a Tawny Owl sat in the sycamore tree at the front of the house. Managed to have a good look at him through the binoculars even though it was still dark. He / She was there on Sunday morning too.
Saturday morning inspection of the garden for owl pellets was incredible. I found over 30. Most of them were below the entrance to the nest box in the eaves on the garage side of the barn, Strangely however we did see Stock Doves also going into the nest box, so not sure what is going on.
Found 3 fresh pellets on Sunday morning, all under the entrance again.
On our walk on Saturday morning we witnessed crows mobbing a Buzzard and an Egret in the field below the Priory. The Egret was still around on Sunday morning.
On a drive to Holt on Saturday morning we saw Buzzards and Kestrel.
On our bike ride on Sunday I lost count of the number of Kestrel we saw , was easily over 10. Also saw 2 Buzzards and  followed a Barn Owl along the road from Field Calling into Binham.

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