Sunday 15 March 2015

Cold ride to Hoe ( near Dereham )

Not a very good weather day for a ride , cold northerly wind and very cloudy / dull.
We only saw the sun once for about 10 minutes during the whole of the 42 mile ride.
The brightest thing we saw was this field of cabbage type plants grown for Game cover near Hindringham:

We rode through Thursford ,stopping to take the picture of the village sign and the phone box which now is used to store a defibrillator - hadn't seen that before.

Took a restricted bridleway to the south of the Village which was a rough old track that popped out onto the A148 , then after about a mile we took the track into Kettlestone and onto Little Ryburgh.
Essentially following Cycle route 13 through the Villages of Brisley, Bilney & Beetley before crossing the B1146 near Gressenhall to get to the mid point of our ride : Hoe.
After our experience of the Café at Gressenhall last weekend , we had decided on a picnic, including hot soup:
This was the Jetboil's first outing this year!
What we hadn't reckoned on was how cold and windy it was, not the time of year for an outside picnic in North Norfolk! The soup was nice and hot , even if we did have to stir it with the end of a 15mm pedal spanner! The bikes came in handy as a table:
Normally we are warmed up after a lunch stop, today we were properly chilled. We made our way north , cycling around the perimeter of Robertson Barracks , which is pretty well hidden away in the middle of nowhere. We then came to the Village of Worthing which is in need of a new sign!
Only in Norfolk ( Narwfulk) would you find this !
We continued the theme of Villages beginning with "B" by going to Billingford , then on to Bintree, taking the minor road to Bintree Mill before going into Guist , from here on , it was into a keen head wind with a serious chill in it to Swanton Novers , then a dash back to Binham as the light was dropping and the mist rolling in from the sea.

A good ride , but quite hard gong after lunch. Hoping for a bit of warmth next weekend ..... please.

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