Sunday 22 March 2015

Sunny Sunday Ride at last

The forecast of cloudy and dull was thankfully wrong!
With a bit of a wiggly route planned which was plotted to confuse Jane and take us on some new tracks and lanes!
We made our way towards Walsingham but cut across to Hindringham and then over to Bale , stopping to take a picture of the village sign. Over the A148 and along quiet lanes to Swanton Movers where we to a track to the Church and then into the Nature Reserve which was pretty and new to us. We did take a wrong turn somewhere and ended up coming out on the Fulmodstone Road. Onto Guestwick where we turned and headed north up to Briston , Story and on into Holt, taking the Cley Road and making our way to Glandford for a stop off at the Art Café. Lunched on Binham Blue Pate and Salad. Bought some expensive Coffee roasted there. We made our way back to Binham in a very round about way going to Saxlingham , then back over to Langham. Had a detour over Langham Airfield to get a view out to Sea which was very clear , with the turbines easily visible. To make sure we did over 40 miles we went from Cockthorpe to Stifkey , then finally to Binham via Long Lane!
Lovely ride of 43 miles, mostly in sunshine with not much wind
Village sign in Bale 
Sign in the Swanton Novers Nature Reserve. Heard a Buzzard whilst reading this . 
Track in Reserve 
Road side display of wild primrose in the sunshine.
Town sign in Holt - The Owl being the Town's symbol.
View from the Bridge over  the River Wensum to Wiveton Church
View from the Bridge over towards Cley-next-the-sea.
Sunny pose outside the Art Café in Glandford.
View down to coast and out to sea from the edge of Lanham Airfield.

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