Sunday 26 April 2015

Sunday Ride to Fellbrigg Hall

Fairly cool and cloudy as we set off with loaded pannier on our Bikes to go to Fellbrigg Hall. We had decided to try the bikes with loaded panniers as a bit of practice for the ride to Paris. Both our bikes are new since our last loaded tour so worth testing in advance.

The route we took was the reverse of one we would normally do so it did appear a bit different as we headed to Cockthorpe from Binham. The routing and the fact that the plants and trees are growing made it fell different. Onto Langham , past the Blue Bell and then onto Glandford, past the Highland Cows in the scrubby field and the Dorkies in their paddock. ( they were all in the same places on our return!)
We stopped at the Church in Glandford to check out the plants for sale, seeing a rather nice Shuttle Cock Fern I put it under the display table , hoping it would be there later.
After crossing the river we headed up the hill and onto Leteringsett and onto Holt. Holt was reasonably quiet apart from the queue at the cash point. We rode past Greshams School, pat the station and took the quiet roads to the Village of Gresham.
Then onto the little village of Susted.
Those , evidently are Dolphins on the sign...... for some reason!
 It was then a short ride to Fellbrigg Hall where we stopped and had our lunch. Made our Tea and ate the really nice Flan Jane had made. Bought a packet of crisps from the shop so we didn't feel totally guilty sitting there in the sunshine on the bench!
 Fellbrigg Hall with the Orangery to the left.

Camping outside the Courtyard!
Having fuelled up we headed back more or less the way we had come as far as Holt and then went in the direction of Cley before taking the Wiveton road where I managed to get up to 33 mph .
Took the back road past the smelly Sewage Works to Glandford , shopping to buy the Fern at the Church , further adding to our load - or rather Jane's!
 Came back via Wiveton Downs and then Langham , Cockthorpe and back to Binham having covered 41 miles. Our average cycling speed was our normal 10 mph , and both of us felt fine with the loaded pannier........ so we are good to go at the end of May. 

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