Sunday 12 April 2015

Sunday 12 April , a windy 45 miles

The weather was rather windy when we took the dogs out for a walk and forecast to get stronger, so we tentitively set off on a partly planned ride. The destination was planned to be Great Massingham. The wind was certainly strong as we set off to Wighton and really gusty as we got near Nutborne Farm.
At least it was reasonably warm and sunny! The trick when cycling in such conditions is to watch out for any gaps in the hedge as that is where the wind is going to come blasting through!
One of the smartest Village signs.
The pub at Sculthorpe, was an old Water Mill as the river Wensum  runs along side / under it.
Dog fetching a ball from the River by the Pub 
Small and compact Church in Hellhoughton.
Hellhoughton Village sign - in need of some TLC.
Pit Stop enroute just past the West Raynham Airfield ( disused )
After this we headed to and through Great & Little Massingham and then onto Harlpley and actually had the wind behind us for some of the time.
Harpley Village Sign.
I managed to take a wrong turn after this and we then took a short section of the Peddars Way to get back on route.
Went on to Great Bircham  , after going through the Construction College we got caught in a dust storm and got sand blasted!  Onto  Stanhoe before taking the little road to North Creake. With some wind assistance and a bit of a hill managed to get up to 30.4 mph before having to brake hard to avaoid a car which backed out of a drive and just stopped in the middle of the road!

We then arrived at the Cafe at Creake Abbey for a much needed cup of Tea and food !
Also did some shopping, getting two big Pork chops , wine and Scotch Eggs ( better be fantastic at £3.00 a go!)

Cafe at Creake Abbey - good menu selection and a very pleasant place.

Creake Abbey Ruins.

CAme back to Binham via Burnham Thorpe and New Holkham and cruising down our favorite road to  Wighton and finally back to Binham. Both felt rather wind swept and in need of  Tea and a shower.

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