Sunday 19 April 2015

Sunday Ride 19th April

We had done a short Wells for Tea & Shopping on Saturday & which was 13 miles.
Today's destination was Aylsham
Stopped off to get some sweets at the Village shop. Out of date Fruit Gums a bargin at 25p a pack !
Our route took us to Field Dalling , then onto Sharrington and the gentle rolling hills around Stody.
Noticed that Clint Judd's Scallions and Shallots were growing well on the Stody Estate!
We took the road from Stody to Blickling , shopping to look at The Tower just before we got to the Hall. Then we headed into Aylsham to pick up the Marriott's Way. Part way along it a Man with a Dog stood to one side while we passed. It looked like an old Colleague of mine : Tim Briggs and it was , we turned around and went back for a chat.
As we got to Reepham we had a bit of a moment the Café that we thought we were going to was not the one we ended up at! Anyway , the Café was very good and the Scones huge!
Time was getting on as we set off again , after a short distance on the Way we joined the road and followed Cycle Route 1 to Guestwick , then Hindolveston , Fulmodston, Barney , Thursford , Hindringham and back to Binham...... 40 miles and a great ride , weather had been a mix of cloud and sun with a light wind.  
Binham Village Sign - shame about the Bin!
The world famous Howells Superstore
The Tower , just before Blicking Hall
Blocking Hall - a fine building. Car Park was full so we kept going!
History Sign in the centre of Aylsham.
Tea and Scone stop at The Café just outside Reepham on Marriott Way

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