Sunday 12 July 2015

Sunday Ride & a wet one

Our plan was to ride over to the west, through Snetisham and on out to the coast.
The forecast was for a few light showers - well that was total rubbish!
Our route took us from Binham and down to Wighton , then into the Walsinghams.
Walsingham High Street
There was a major Pilgrimage going on and hordes of Asian Catholics were descending upon the Chapel at Houghton St Giles for the "Tamil Two Pilgrimage" There was even a one way system set up so we took the track past all the wild flowers.

For reasons best known to me , we went a bit wrong and ended up going via Tattersett.
Having got back on the right route , the heavens opened and it absolutely chucked it down.
We stopped for a while in some trees to shelter for a while and got rather wet. We decided that it looked likely to continue to rain so decided not to go on to the coast but to head to Syderstone and then back via a Tea stop at Creake Abbey.
It was not too long before it stopped raining and the sun came out! The great British Summer !
The caped crusader , complete with helmet hair!

After tea and a sneaky sandwich at Creake Abbey , we headed on to the Burnhams and even managed an ice cream sat in the Sun at Burnham Market.

Plaque outside the site of Nelson's Birth place.

We headed back to Binham via Whighton with a few spots of rain as we finished the 38 mile ride.
We plan to do the ride to the Coast next weekend!

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