Tuesday 7 July 2015

Monday Ride and new distance record for Jane 6th July 2015

Having had Seth and Finlay for the weekend, ( which was nice!) we had decided to have Monday & Tuesday off work and hopefully do the Binham to Happisburgh ride we had planned the previous weekend but not done due to the weather being so horrid.
The weather on Saturday had been really pleasant and Sunday had been wet and dull so we had great expectations for a decent weather day on Monday!
note the colours .
Having taken the Dogs for a walk we set off ay 10:30, stopping of at Howells Superstore to stock up on sweets and get batteries for Jane's computer.  
the rather spooky remains of a  Church between Hunworth & Edgefield.
The weather was ideal , sunny , with a bit of a breeze. We clocked up the miles quite easily , and were soon in Hunworth and heading on towards Edgefield but I took a wrong turn and we went via Edgefield Street and then west instead of east! Probably added an extra 8 miles onto our day..... oops!

One of the finest Village signs we have seen so far!
( Have started a Pinterest Board for Village signs)
Our route took us around Aylsham and on part of the Weavers way before arriving in North Walsham
and we then wiggled through some "new" Villages as we made our way to Happisburgh.
East Ruston Village sign.
Happisburgh Light House - view from inland.
View from Cliffs

On reaching Happisburgh we were ready for a cup of Tea ...... but the Cafe was shut. Managed to get some useful  info from a Local on a bike ( he used to work for Sands Agricultural Machinery ..... ) and we headed along the costal path to Cart Gap and the Cafe there for a take away cuppa which we took to the beach and had our picnic there.
The Garage of a House right on the cliff edge, the House has already gone over the edge and into the sea!
Erosion of the cliffs at Happisburgh.

The beach at Cart Gap was very pleasant and there were a few hardy souls having a swim and enjoying the sunshine.
We set off for the return journey, having already done 45 miles it was clear we were going to clock up a high milage for the day!

We went through a number of "new" Villages including Ingworth before returning to more normal territory. By the time we reached Holt , we were ready for some fuel.... Jane a Mars and me a Double Decker!
We got back to Binham having covered 77 miles ( 125 km ) , a really good ride. Quick turn around and off to the Pub for Monday Madness meal at £5.00 !

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