Sunday 22 February 2015

Sunday 22nd February ~ wells via the Creakes

Having checked the forecast we could see it was going to start raining at 15:00 (!). So we got out with the Dogs a bit earlier than usual and did a circuit around Binham. It had been frosty overnight so there was still a chill in the air and plenty of icy puddles for Becky to plod through. Amber has started to get more confidence and do her business whilst out.
We set off on our bikes around 11:00, just intending to go to Wells and back. The wind had picked up since we were out with the Dogs and we were heading almost straight into it as we headed to Wighton. The signs showing the various cycle routes reminds me how fortunate we are in this area with the routes available. That sign , pictured below is right outside the Farm where the famous Mrs Temples Binham Blue cheese comes from. Having nearly got to Holkham, we decided to head to the Creakes and then onto Burnham Thorpe. We took a road which goes past Horatio Nelson's birth place and other huge houses , then we went round the other side of the Village , past the pub and up the hill to the south entrance to the Holkham Estate. We wizzed through the Estate, past beards of deer who seemed oblivious to us and the walkers. The deer seemed to be separated into groups of stags with their impressive antlers and the females who were grazing together. We pedaled on to Wells and then up to the Beach Cafe for a well deserved Tea and Sausage roll.
Had a quick look out along the Channel and spotted the life boat outside it's shed, must have had a clean as it was gleaming .
Quick stop in Wells at the Co-Op for supplies and then back to Binham via Warham. Last mile was in drizzle at 14:45 !
25 miles covered.
3 Buzzards & 1 sparrow hawk seen , no Kestrels.
Noticed that since I have been using the Garmin ( end of May 2014) we have done 1300 miles.

Which way today ? Sign post in Wighton.

Road coming into Burnham Thorpe

Historic Village, Birth place of one of Norfolk's finest.

Holkham Hall
Deer in the Park

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