Sunday 25 January 2015

Sunday afternoon ride

Covered 30 miles this afternoon. Binham to Wighton, then along the little lanes to Little Snoring Airfield. Over the A148 & on to Fulmodeston. Weather to this point was a cool 3°C and a bit cloudy with a brisk SW wind. The new Northwave winter cycle boots were keeping my feet nice and warm.
From Hindolveston we headed north to Melton Constable, stopping to take a picture of the little St. Peters Church. At Thornage  we took the back lane towards Letheringsett , over the little bridge by the disused Ford. Avoiding the nasty corner on the A148 took Walls Lane with the long climb & the quick decent down to the Ford over the River Glaven. Tea & scone stop at our favourite Art Cafe in Glandford, plus a welcome warm up. Stopped to see the 2 Donkeys on the edge of the village before heading up to Wiveton Down where we spotted the Highland Cows, lounging around in the winter sun.
Langham , then Cockthorpe , past the dome and down into Binham.
To ensure we covered 30 miles rode round the Green before heading along Warham Road to get Home.
Birds of Prey scores: Kestrels 3, Buzzards 1, Merlin's 1. No Barn Owls
Binham Priory , sunny winters day
St.Peters Church, Melon Constable
                                            View down to Cley & the coast.
                                             Highland Cows in North Norfolk

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