Sunday 18 January 2015

Sunday afternoon ride.

Set off from Binham and headed to Walsingham via Wighton, going past the Dairy Farm from where such fabulous cheeses like Mrs Temples Binham Blue come from.
Willingham was quite busy with people milling around the high street. Headed along the Pilgrims track to the Slipper Chapel. Did not encounter any barefooted Pilgrims along the track.
On through the Barshams and then across to Sculthorpe before crossing the A148 and on into Fakenham , before stopping off at Pensthorpe Nature Reserve Café for Tea and Scones.
From Pensthorpe we headed through the little village of Kettlestone before cutting through the aptly named Little Snoring. Stopped for a while to watch a Barn Owl hunting in a field along the edge of the Airfield. The sun had started to  go in and the temperature was dropping rapidly by this stage.
Through Thursford Green and onto Hindringham. Took the little lane to the west of the Village which takes you past Hindringham Hall and then back out onto the "main" road. Round the back of Hindringham , past the wind mill and then down the hill into Binham.
25 miles covered and a very pleasant ride.
Making sure we are keeping warm on these rides is important and my new Seal Skin Lobster gloves are excellent. Jane seems to have got her feet sorted with good socks, trainers and Endura overshoes. My feet , especially the right one is still very cold. May have to invest in some proper winter cycle shoes.

Barn Owl ( stuffed) in Pensthorpe Cafe

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