Sunday 17 May 2015

Sunday 17th May - Shopping & Stody Gardens

We had both had a tough week at work and were feeling tired as we started the weekend in Binham, I also had a nasty cold and sore throat. We also needed to do some preparation for setting off on our ride to Paris which we set off on next Sunday.
Anyway I wanted to get a larger capacity SD card for the Garmin and we set off on a semi planned route to go to Argos in Fakenham and then onto visit the Gardens at Stody.
After the shopping at Argos we set off past the Race Course and headed through the Rybrugh's and came across the very quaint looking mini Fish and Chip shop:
 Fish & Chip Shop in Great Ryburgh.

 The rather strange memorial in Wood Norton - presented by the WI.
Village Sign in Wood Norton
After Wood Norton we went east , avoiding the main roads , then north up to Hindolveston & Melton Constable. We both had near misses with stupid car drivers in the Village!
We stopped off a the Story Estate and had a wander around the Open Gardens. A fabulous display of Azaleas and Rhododendrons all in brilliant bright colours. There was also a display of sculptures and paintings. 

Jane sporting new hair style posing with colourful backdrop.
 Very fine Owl Sculpture.
What a poser
Village sign in Brinton - not sure if that is a Jester on the sign.

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